Gabriel Studio
Featured Films
Testimonials & Featured Clients
starting at
- 6 Hours Coverage
- Bride & Groom Prep
- Ceremony
- 8 Weeks Turnaround
Package ++
starting at
- All Day Coverage
- Bride & Groom Prep
- Ceremony
- Full Reception
- Guest Messages
- 4 Week Turnaround
Package +
starting at
- 8 Hours Coverage
- Bride & Groom Prep
- Ceremony
- First Dances
- 6 Week Turnaround
Have something more custom in mind?Get A Quote
How it works.
Let’s get to know each other! We will schedule a time to meet and go over your big day.
What style are you looking for? Is there something you absolutely HAVE to have in your video? We’ll go over all of the details in this meeting.
Follow Up
I will follow up with you a month before your big day and make sure nothing has changed and I have all of the details right.
Wedding Day
Your wedding day. I arrive in the morning and capture every detail of your special day. You TRY to relax and enjoy the day that you’ve dreamed of.
Editing & Delivery
I meticulously scan every second of your wedding footage looking for the perfect scenes to craft your highlight film. I will deliver your video via custom USB drive; this drive will contain your highlight film, the full ceremony, and toasts/speeches. I’ll also include a Vimeo link to send to your friends.
“We love our wedding video so much. Thank you for doing such an amazing job!!!”
– Alexis & Adam Almon